Saturday, November 27, 2010


Once upon a Christmas Eve
Just after it had snowed,
The Jolly Postman (him again!)
Came down the jolly road;
And in the bag upon his back;
an...interesting load.

One of my kids' favorite Christmastime books was THE JOLLY CHRISTMAS POSTMAN by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.  (The holiday sequel to THE JOLLY POSTMAN).  What child wouldn't want to open pocket page envelopes with letters to and from nursery ryhme and fairy tale characters - from Goldilocks, from Granny to Red Riding Hood, and even a tiny jigsaw puzzle for H. Dumpty in the hospital?

This is a great book to keep your kids busy while you work on your own family Christmas letters and cards!  Speaking of cards, I found a fun "12 Days of Christmas" website from the POST OFFICE that has some links for free e-cards. (It's also got some links to crafts, recipes, etc.)  And FAMILY FUN MAGAZINE has some really fun ideas for homemade Christmas cards that you can make with your children.


  1. That looks like a great book...I love getting mail (did you see my post about Shutterfly?). Old fashioned...sometimes the computer era cuts down on give me so much joy to open the mail box and find a personal piece of mail instead of advertisements. Hopefully we'll be getting lots of Christmas cards. And you package...hasn't arrived yet, but soon, I'm sure!

  2. Where's the Jolly Postman when we need him most??? :)
