Saturday, August 13, 2011


My table was full of information about good read aloud books.
I met and talked to at least 200 kids and their parents today that stopped by my table on their way to free pony and train rides, puppet shows, crafts, and free food (snowcones, hotdogs, pizza, and more!)

Marisa Timothy, Administrative Assistant
It's absolutely amazing to me what a good "Friends of the Library Foundation" can accomplish.  In Placentia, California, they were able to donate money to their library -- not only for an awesome computer center, but also to sponsor the library's 3rd Annual Summer Reading Celebration for the community, marking the end of their summer reading program.

The visionary library director, Jeanette Contreras, has a wonderful staff and team of volunteers to thank for all their help in putting together a wonderfully organized day.

Click HERE to read my past post about the Placentia Library and their great storytime for children.


  1. That looks really nice...I love your addition of sunflowers! And does that say "like" us on Facebook for a chance to win a free bookbag? I love our library!!! Our main librarian just retired, we'll really miss having her around.

  2. Martha - yes! I'm doing the drawing today for a free book bag for the people who either signed up at the event with their email address or "liked" my Good Books FB page by today. :)

  3. And the winners are: Tanis and Heather!
