Thursday, September 6, 2012

Celebrate Baby Peter's Un-Birth-Day With Us!

Last night my daughter, her husband, and I celebrated what marked her 34th week of pregnancy and my unborn grandson Peter's Un-Birth-Day.

The doctor said if my daughter reached 34 weeks without going into labor, we could throw a party.  You see, Baby Peter's expected birth date isn't until October 13th, and we are thrilled that he is staying put; my daughter has been on full bed rest for about six weeks.

In honor of this auspicious occasion, I took my daughter a custard fruit tart, topped with "34" (aren't the candles cute??), as well as some very delicious Vanilla Rooibos Chai Tea (caffeine-free, for no contractions!).

Baby Peter got a little blue sleeper with elephants, that says "I ♥ Mommy", along with the book, Letters to Anyone and Everyone.  Someday I know Peter will love this book, written by Dutch author Toon Tellegen, with whimsical illustrations by Jessica Ahlberg (daughter of Allan and Janet Ahlberg).

I'm taking advantage of yesterday's event to blog about this adorable book, since my posts have been few and far between lately - I've been busy helping my girl!!

Letters to Anyone and Everyone is basically a collection of letters written back and forth between all the animals in the forest - think Winnie the Pooh meets The Jolly Postman (yes, those Ahlbergs again).  My daughter loves elephants (did you spot Dumbo up there?), and I thought this cute little collection of stories was just right.

The first two letters in the story are between Elephant and Snail.  They are discussing dancing.  Since that's what Baby Peter does in his mother's womb all day, I thought it appropriate to highlight...

Of course, this post wouldn't be complete without a letter from me to my grandson:

Dear Baby Peter, 
Thank you for staying put these last few weeks - if you could wait until at least week 37 to show up, that would be even better! Who knows, maybe you'll even get to 40?!!

I'm so proud of your Mommy and Daddy, and how hard they are working to get everything ready for your arrival (it's a good thing Mommy can use her computer and make phone calls from the couch!)  

We can hardly wait to meet you and see you dance (especially me and your other Grandma, but the Grandpas and your parents are pretty excited too).  I hope you like this song.

Your grandma


  1. May God help her...and little baby to come into this world when he is developed enough. ♥ So sweet that you are reading to him already.
    I love rooibos tea, too.
    P.S. Your daughter is beautiful!

  2. This is sweet post! I love the book and the elephant outfit! I'm so happy to see that everyone is happy and healthy! :o)

  3. Lovely post, and excellent choice of book! My eldest has just rediscovered it and read it, and its partner The Squirrel's Birthday and Other Parties for herself this time.

    1. I really want to get The Squirrel's Birthday and Other Parties! Looks adorable. :)

  4. Very cute blog, Mom, hopefully my "futurephew" (future-nephew) can do 37--maybe 40--weeks!
    Funny elephant book quotes!

    <3 Jonny

    1. Thanks, Jonny - you were the original Elephant Lover! Remember?

  5. What a wonderful occasion (un-ccasion, maybe?) Hope Baby Peter has been encouraged by all this jollity to continue to stay put? But best wishes to all. And I may have to look up that book. It looks delightful.

    1. He's still staying put! His Mommy is up and around and doing great!

  6. Wishing you and your daughter all the very best. Grandchildren are a grand blessing.

    1. Thank you, Valerie! I'm so looking forward to this new adventure of Grandparent-hood!
