Thursday, November 15, 2012

Winner of the Advent Calendar Giveaway is...

Thanks to all my readers and followers who participated in my 2012 Advent Calendar Giveaway.  I truly appreciate all your kind comments and input!  Congratulations to Marianthy Karantzes, the winner of the beautiful calendar!

I'll be doing another Giveaway in December - for St. Lucia Day.  And later today I'll post my Advent and Christmas Resource page, to help with all your book choices for this Holy Season.

I'd like to extend my thanks also to Monastery Greetings, who donated the calendar, with artwork by Ruth Sanderson.  It can be purchased here, from their website.


  1. Thank you so much! I am so excited to have won this gift!

    May your Christmas season be a blessed one!

    1. And yours, Marianthy! I sent you a message on fb - need your address, so they can ship the calendar directly to you! :)
