Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jolly Old St. Nick - He's Everywhere!

Come on in, you'll see what I mean...
Here he is in beautiful vinage ornament made by my daughter last year.

He's on our piano,
I've been collecting St. Nicolas figures for years -  most of these were gifts from family and friends

in our Russian icon, 

on the hearth,

in some "new" books for us this year,
"A Visit to Santa Claus", by Mararet Evans Price
(vintage reproduction book - just lovely!)
"Strange fancies of flying came into his head
while his mother patted and tucked him in bed..."
"A Christmas Treasury", by Gary Hildebrant
And of course, on our tree! 

Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy; who gives himself by thought or word or deed in every gift that he bestows -Edwin Osgood Grover

A Jolly Old Elf?
Even my baby grandson had a visit from St. Nicholas!


  1. Oh yes, you are all bedecked in St. Nicholas! I love the figurines...my mom also collects them and I've started my own modest collection, I now have have 3 Nicol Sayre santas that I just love.
    Your little grandson looks so sweet in his hat with the coins! Did he find goodies in his shoes on the 6th?

    1. I was just looking through old photo albums today and found a picture of my tree and St. Nicholas collection when I had only three or four figurines - time flies - you'll have lots before you know it!
      And yes, St. Nicholas came for a visit on the 6th (I think he left his hat!)
