Monday, February 11, 2013

Paris (and Giveaways!), Je t'aime!

Before you learn about this special Valentine's giveaway, take a look at the book that inspired this post:

With St. Valentine's Day just around the corner, I was looking for a good "love story" to feature on my blog.  Of course, finding a good children's book about love is not particularly difficult.  The titles are abundant and diverse.  But I was looking for something truly special and unique, not necessarily about romantic love, but more of a love based in friendship.  I came across the perfect story, and after reading it, I can hardly wait to share it with you...

Kiki and Coco in Paris is the title I'm showcasing today.  Have you read it?  It is a positively charming story about a girl named Kiki and her adventure with her doll Coco as they travel together to Paris.  In addition to capturing the sweet love story a girl shares with her best-loved doll, the book features engaging and colorful photographs set on over-sized pages.  The pages are eye-catchingly bright, and remind me of the I SPY books my kids loved for years and years.  It's rare to find such wonderful photography in a children's book.  Author Nina Gruener's sweet and simple words are the perfect compliment to Stephanie Rausser's photographic chronicle of her trip to Paris with her daughter, Kiki.  And of course, don't forget Coco--the chic Jess Brown doll who travels with Kiki on her Parisian adventure.  

So why did I choose this as a Valentine story?  Well, first of all, the story takes place in Paris--the city of love...

...captured by photos so vivid, they'll take you and your child on a journey straight there!  

When I homeschooled my children, I would always make Valentine's Day a special holiday--we would enjoy a red and pink breakfast, make Valentines, read the story of St. Valentine, and my kids would receive small gifts (I know my daughter would've loved this book)!  I was reminded of this in the book...

...and also of a breakfast I enjoyed with my husband when we went to visit my daughter and son-in-law during their 8-month stay in Paris!  

Our own Parisian breakfast...

Complete with a cafe, mmm!

I also found the sweet relationship of Kiki and Coco so endearing!!  They share many special moments together, as any girl who has a best-loved doll can tell you.  And they truly love each other... you'll see throughout the book, but especially on this last spread.

What a treasure!!  Boys and girls alike will relate with the story of a child and her best-loved playmate.  And if you have a child interested in traveling, or you want them to become more interested, please give this book a try.  You will not be disappointed!  

ON TO THE GIVEAWAY... (now closed)
And while we're on the subject of Paris, I have some goodies to share!!  I've partnered with Galison/Mudpuppy for a fabulous giveaway for two of their adorable products!  One lucky winner will receive...

Sweet and colorful French-English flash cards
will help your child to learn 26 new words!
I think that's tres bien, don't you!!??
These adorable Paris-themed mini Sticky Notes will brighten anyone's day!
I'm sure you can find many uses for them, but I think I'd
use them to mark favorite quotations in my favorite books!!  

All you have to do is comment on this post to be entered into the drawing.  (now closed) It's that simple!!!  Comments left on this post through February 13th will be eligible for entry.  A winner will be chosen at random and announced on Valentine's day, February 14th!  Comments entered on Facebook posts or Pinterest will not be considered eligible for entry - just here on the blogpost.  *NOTE: I'm sorry to any readers from abroad,  but this drawing is for US residents only!!*

Finally, some parting (visual) thoughts: I came across this quick slideshow of Stephanie Rausser's photographs from her trip with Kiki (and Coco) to Paris.  Many of the images are featured in the book, but all of them are whimsical and playful!  Enjoy!!!


  1. What adorable giveaway items!!! The flashcards look quite handy. And I LOVE Kiki & Coco!!!

  2. Cute! Cute! Cute! I will have to take a look at that book. It looks adorable!

  3. LOVE! I want those croissants for my Valentine's breakfast - hot from Paris!

    1. Barbie - we could get croissants fresh every morning from a bakery just downstairs from our apartment in Paris - plain or choclate filled!!! Have you tried the chocolate ones from Trader Joe's? They are frozen - you just thaw them overnight and pop them in the oven in the morning!

  4. I too had a favorite doll....a monkey with a wooden head named "Houston". He went everywhere
    with me and his body had to be lovingly patched by my grandmother many times. I love this story
    and the photographs are great--thanks for the link!

    1. You're welcome! "Houston" sounds like quite a unique doll! :)

  5. As a homeschooling family, we are learning French the thought of French flash cards! Thank you for the recommendations!

  6. I can't wait to see this book. Thanks for sharing it and happy Valentine's Day.

  7. How sweet! I had a doll that I took everywhere when I was a little girl. I'll have to find this book for my girls to read. :)

    1. I got mine from Amazon - hopefully they'll have it at your local library. :)

  8. As a mother who has taken her children to Paris four times for study abroad ( with another one planned next year), I cannot wait to get my hands on this book! What a delight!

    1. What a wonderful experience you're giving your children!

  9. Would love to have this wonderful book for the grandkids!

    1. I got mine on Amazon - good luck with the flashcard & sticker giveaway!

  10. This would be great to share with my little ones, or should I say great little ones,

  11. Your pictures make me want to visit Paris! I will have to get this book for my newly dusted-off children's library. Grandchildren bring everything to life again! :)
