Sunday, March 31, 2013

Somebunny's Having an Easter Egg Hunt...

The Easter Bunny came by today 
and left surprises along his way. 
Colorful eggs are all around. 
With baskets in hand we search the ground. 
Hiding in places here and there --
Easter Eggs are everywhere!
-Author Unknown

Celebrating an Easter Blog Party Parade with Audrey Eclectic today, and wishing all my friends who are on the Western Calendar a Happy Easter.  

As an Eastern Orthodox Christian, I'm barely at the beginning of Lent; and my Palm Sunday and Holy Week are yet to come.

kulich - source
I will be celebrating Orthodox Easter (Pascha) on May 5, amidst exclamations of "Christ is Risen!", with decorated candlesred eggs, and kulich for our Pascha basket.

Paschal Candles - source
Tomorrow I'll be stocking up at the Day-After-Easter-Candy-Sales!


  1. Wonderful to have you along on the Easter Parade! And yes...that is so handy that you can stock up on half price easter things for Pascha! haha! I love those candles, they are so pretty!~

    1. Thanks for doing the Parade, Heather. I loved your post!

  2. Stopping by from Audrey Eclectic's Easter Parade! Thanks for a wonderful post - it was interesting to learn about the Easter bread and the candles. Wishing you a wonderful upcoming Easter holiday!

  3. Stopping over from Heather's Easter Parade. I agree with wonderful to be able to take advantage of the Easter sales. I'm not familiar with the traditions of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Now I'm curious, so I'll do some exploring.

  4. Hi there, I too am paying a visit to you on the Easter Parade, thanks to Heather. I hope that you will have a lovely Easter- such fab pics above!And great to hear of the differences but similarities in faith, Jo xx

  5. fabulous candles and great mouth watering bakes!
    the bunny under the cloche - fab! reminded me of Beatrix Potter little woodland characters :)
    Happy Easter to you!

    1. I just stopped by your lovely blog and left a comment for you there - Happy Easter!

  6. I love your bunny jar!!! Someday, I do want to attend a Pascha service at the Orthodox cathedral here in town. I have quite a few friends who are members there, and we've been invited before. One of my Orthodox friends wished us a "Happy Wester."

    1. Oh that's funny! I haven't hear that one. :)
      Do they have an early morning service, or midnight? We've always done a midnight service -my kids loved being able to stay up! (They were night owls, many of the kids fall asleep on blankets that their parents bring.) It's a very beautiful and joyful service, either way, following a deeply reverent Holy Week, which is full of very meaningful services - especially on Holy Friday ("Good Friday" in the West).

  7. What an enchanting Easter jar you have!! And those CANDLES!! SO lovely!
