Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nesting...with Russian Dolls and a Book Blanket!

A dear friend brought me this cute set of nesting doll
Matryoshkas from Russia.
It's Matryoshka Madness over here! I'm doing three (3) Matryoshka-themed giveaways for May...go here for details.  You can comment on today's post and any blogs I post through May 30, 2013 to enter.

Throughout the month of May, I'll continue posting all about Russia (my trip to St. Petersburg two Decembers ago, and lots about the history, art, and children's literature of that country).

This May marks the third year I've been blogging here at Good Books for Young Souls - sharing our family's favorite books, authors, and illustrators with you, and new ones that I've discovered as well. 

That's why I'm doing three Giveaways.  Here they are, in case you missed my last post.  I'll choose three people to each win one of these three gifts...
Matryoshka luggage tag
The Littlest Matryoshka book
Matryoshka measuring spoons

I also just have to share a photo of the Mother's Day gift my oldest son gave me (he designed it) - a knit blanket, full of some of our family's favorite storybook characters -- how many do you recognize?? (Notice the Little Golden Book spine design on the left?)


  1. That blanket is amazing! :)

    1. TawniM - you're one of the winners for my May Giveaway! Please email me your mailing address, so I can send you the Matryoshka Luggage Tag (you'll find my email address in my profile). Congratulations!

  2. I adore that luggage tag! What a fun giveaway!

  3. I love the give a ways!!!! I fell in love with Matryoshka dolls during the two summers I spent in Russia. After I graduated from college I moved to Kazakhstan and was delighted to find Matryoshka dolls there to. It was so nice to see something that I recognized and something pretty to brighten up a room!
