Sunday, January 5, 2014


A couple of years ago while between seasons of PBS' Downton Abbey, I satisfied my withdrawals with the fascinating book, Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle. (I quickly reviewed it in my past post, "Downton: What's this Abbey's appeal? Go here to read it.)

This year I found a happy diversion in the adorable new picture book Mouseton Abbey, The Missing Diamond.  

While you're waiting for the first episode of the Season IV to start tonight, take a peek...I think you'll be smitten!

The cast of characters: The family - Roquefort, Earl of Mouseton; Lady Brie, Countess of Mouseton; Lady Ricotta; Lady Mozzerella; Lady Fontina; Lady Gouda, Dowager Countess of Mouseton.  And their servants: Wensleydale, the Butler; Miss Swiss, the Housekeeper; Mrs. Cheshire, the Cook; and Monterey Jack, the Footman.

It's Cheesemas at Mouseton Abbey.  And at Cheesemas, the Mouseton family pass around their most precious treasure - the Great Big Cheesy Diamond - and everyone gets to make a wish.

But this year there's a problem. The house is clean, the feast is being prepared, but the Great Big Cheesy Diamond is missing!

Join Lord Mouseton and his servants as they search for the missing diamond.  Will Cheesemas be ruined?  Will anyone get their wish?  Or will they find the Cheesy Diamond in time?

Fun stuff!  Come back and read my next post to find out why my table was all set for teatime - perfect for this book's little photo shoot today!

Mouseton Abbey by Joanna Bicknell and Nick Page, with photo illustrations by Tim Hutchinson. (Mice by Jo Bishop and Carole Meredith - photos by Andy Snaith).


  1. I came so close to buying this at the school book fair this fall, but I was already spending too much. It was so cute!

  2. Thanks for a sneak-peak into the book...I ♥ the illustrations with the photos of the mice toys dressed up. I am now going to buy this book!!!

  3. Hope it's ok--I just posted a link on Facebook to your comments about Mouseton Abbey. It was in a comment I shared with a Facebook Friend on a crocheted giraffe. I thought she'd love the knitted mice pictured on the cover. My Facebook name is Pam Johnstone Hitt.
