Friday, June 27, 2014

Growing Family Memories in a Story Book Garden

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, how does your garden grow?  With story books, and alphabets, and fairytales all in a row!
My husband and I are finally tackling our backyard landscaping, and embarking on what I'm going to optimistically call "an adventure in gardening".  
There are so many options - should we do a raised bed, potager, vegetable, rose, herb, wild flower, fairy, storybook, or alphabet garden? Did I lose you with those last three?

I was on the internet this afternoon looking for design ideas, and I came across several "Theme Gardens" for kids.  Here are some of my favorites...

Alphabet Garden

How about an Alice in Wonderland Garden???
This cute statuary is available from the Victorian Trading Company
Available in white or stone.
And you have to have a bird feeder made from a vintage tea cup!

Peter Rabbit's Garden is totally doable -
There's even a little jacket and tam o'shanter!

My garden will have to have a Cinderella pumpkin vine, like this beauty! [source]

I might even allocate a little corner of my yard for a miniature Fairy Garden,
like this one with succulents in a shallow pot (I took this photo at a local nursery)...
or this one, planted in a old metal tub...
...or in a bird bath!

Go here for more theme garden inspiration ideas.
And don't forget these fun garden-themed books like Mama, Is It Summer Yet? by Nikki McClure, from my past post.
Sigh. We hired a landscaper to help us, but we have so much to decide!  Stay tuned!  Any advice?

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