Friday, February 27, 2015

A Bookish Farewell...

Yesterday I felt kind of like Kathleen Kelly when she said goodbye to her "Shop Around the Corner" in You've Got Mail.

I bid a fond farewell to the "Bookish" Space (#16) my daughter and I started over a year ago at a local antique mall.

We put everything on sale, and the things that didn't sell were packed up and hauled out (maybe there's an Etsy shop in my future...?)

The reason I moved away from this fun little business venture? There are two (and they don't involve Fox Books!):

1- Energy (my lack of). Our space was literally in a Brick Basement, and it required a lot of effort to get our "stuff" up and down those stairs, changing the look with the seasons. (Because if you're going to have a space at an antique mall, it has to look cute!) It took two of us. My daughter, the creative one behind this little hobby, had to move out of state last summer. She and her husband recently moved back, but she will be otherwise occupied:  Baby Number 2 is due in May (Grand-baby BOY again)!!!!

2- Space. My sunroom at home - where we stored our crafts and "to be sold stuff" - will be out of commission for a while (the room is hopefully going to be renovated or torn down and rebuilt soon).  There will be lots going on at my house!

Want to take a quick look back with me?  Here are some of my favorite photos of our Bookish little space...

We were so proud of these little tags my daughter designed!

My daughter's beautiful book page wreath.

This was a fun and festive spot!

So many fun books - vintage and antique.

Is there anything better than a suitcase full of books??

Got out some cobwebs, for a spooky Bookish look!
Last year's Spring offerings and creations.

Thanks for letting me share these few photos from our past (busy!!) year and two months.  I'm not going to leave you with the image of the bare walls (which I couldn't bear to photograph) in our empty space, so... 

Goodbye, Shop Girl.  For now.  

Hello, Blog Girl.  Welcome back.


  1. Your space looked so sweet! Congratulations on your next grandson.

  2. What an inspiring space you created. Thanks for reminding me of one of my favourite films also. Congratulations on your next grandchild.

    1. Thank you, Valerie. It's one of my favorite movies too!
