Tuesday, November 13, 2018


My giveaway today has something for everyone...a board book for your toddler/preschooler, a chapter book for your 7-12 year old reader, and a devotional book for the family.

First, the board book: 
I Pray Today by Angela Isaacs, illustrated by Amandine Wanert.  This precious new book published by Ancient Faith is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.  It's all about their day - its ups and downs.  And one small prayer goes with each: "Lord have mercy".

We follow a little girl from the time she gets up through the time she goes to bed. Among other things, the in-between time is filled with prayer for a sick friend, prayer for her picnic, prayer when she gets hurt, and even when she has a tussle with her little brother.

I really like the illustrations.  They are as cozy and sweet and simple as the text.  Your child will love this book!  For bedtime or anytime.

Book number two: 
The Barn & the Book.  I reviewed this chapter book in my last post, here.  It's the second in a fun series by Melinda Johnson.  I think girls and boys alike with really enjoy this story - and feel like they've visited a monastery without even leaving home.  (But I hope you actually do consider taking your child to visit a monastery!)

The third book in today's Book Bundle:
A new offering from Fr. Lawrence R. Farley. This not-to-be missed devotional will be a welcome addition to your daily prayer time.  It's A Daily Calendar of Saints.  Fr. Lawrence's short accounts of these ancient men and women of faith are very readable, and great for personal or family devotions.  Or or two saint's lives are shared each calendar day, and at the end of the book readings for the Paschal Cycle are also included.  And the cover is gorgeous! 

So, I hope you like this bundle!  Leave a comment and your name on this post by Friday night, November 16, 2018 for a chance to win.  Comments must be posted by 11:59 PST.  And tell a friend!


  1. So fun! I love that you have different books for all ages!

    1. Make sure you leave your name and email, since your don't have a Blogger account. Otherwise, it will be hard for me to contact you. Good luck! :)

    2. It's Megan Ressel :) I don't know why my name isn't showing up

  2. Love this giveaway! Thank you for sharing your heart and so many amazingly beautiful books that grow the soul! --Alisha Cook

  3. How incredibly generous of you to do this giveaway!

    In Christ,

  4. What a sweet collection of books. My little ones would love them. A very blessed Nativity to you and yours.
    I’m Christ,

  5. Those all look like such wonderful books!

  6. I discovered your blog two year ago as I was preparing for Advent with my then 2.5 year old and am so thankful for all your resources and insights. These would be a delightful addition to our growing collection.

    1. Molly, you're my winner! Please email me with your mailing address so I can get the bundle sent out to you! Congratulations! wendyb1963@sbcglobal.net

  7. We are new to the church and would love these resources as we homeschool our children. Thank you for the opportunity! ~Angelique Chaverri

  8. We have young kids whom we've been grooming to walk the Christian path. We're so happy to see this offer . These would be great for them. Thanks.

  9. Thanks everyone, for stopping by and leaving a comment. Molly's name was chosen at random this morning for this book bundle giveaway. :)

  10. Yay, Molly!! So happy these books are going to a great home :) Happy Thanksgiving, all!
