Friday, May 6, 2011


Today marks the date, one year ago, that I started my blog!  When I began working on my Mother's Day post last year, asking the question "Who was Mother Goose?", I knew I was going to enjoy this endeavor very much.  It's been quite a journey:  re-visiting the good books I read aloud to my own children and, of course, finding and exploring new books along the way!

So... with Mother's Day almost here and as a "thank you" to my readers on this, my
1st Blog-iversary, I'm excited to announce that Galison/Mudpuppy has kindly agreed to help me celebrate by donating a free gift.  They will send one lucky Mom this cute "Little Set of Bookplates" by Kate Sutton.  (Well, the bookplates are little, but the set has 80 labels!)  My favorite says, "You can't get a cup of tea BIG enough or a book LONG enough to suit me" -C.S.Lewis.

 Enter for a chance to win:  If you'd like to participate in this Giveaway,  just leave a comment on either of my posts from today (5/6/11) or tomorrow (5/7/11).  I'll reveal the winner on Mother's Day - Sunday, May 8th.  (And Dads - I know you're out there! - you can comment too, if you have a special MOM to share these with.)
Click HERE to visit the Galison and Mudpuppy website. Mudpuppy offers fun and educational toys/games/gifts for children - I especially love all their unique puzzles! Galison is a great source for beautiful stationery - much of it inspired by vintage and museum imagery.  I really think you'll like all their products.


  1. Happy Blog-iversary! I love Gallison/ Mudpuppy!!!

  2. happy 1st Blog-iversary! thanks for the giveaway opportunity -- these labels are adorable!

  3. Congrats on the one-year anniversary of your blog, and Happy Mother's Day Wendy!

  4. Ooh, enter me! I love Gallison/Mudpuppy. I order from them often--their composition books are the most adorable things--perfect for journaling. My daughter buys them for her schooling, and I use them for travel journals.

    Congrats, Wendy. You've been doing good work here!

  5. Happy Blog-iversary, sweet Aunt! I love this blog and I love you. :)

  6. This is a great blog!

    Thank you!

  7. OK. That last comment was from me.

    I'm so proud of you for sticking with your blog for an entire year.

    Keep changing the world one young soul at a time....

    Your loving husband,


  8. Aw, thanks, honey. It means so much to me to have your ever-constant support (and spell checking!)
    By the way, are you trying to be competitive with your TWO comments? I know you love your mom, but we can just buy her the bookplates! ;)

  9. Happy 1st Blog-iversary, Wendy! So glad you started it. I've enjoyed reading a lot of your recommendations and exploring the literary world with Sophie. Here's to another wonderful year of fantastics reads!

  10. Congrats Miss Wendy, what an accomplishment! I love reading your blog.
    Thank You, Cybil

  11. Oh, those book plates are so cute...I love the teapot one especially. I can't believe it's only been 1 year!!! Seems like I've "known" you longer!
