Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We could hardly wait to try this recipe from For the Love of Cooking.
I just spent a couple of days with my sister's kids (while she and her husband took a little get-away trip in celebration of her birthday).  My niece Tatiana loves to bake, and she and her younger brother are avid readers, so we had plenty of fun of our own...baking blueberry scones, making bookplates, and - of course - talking about what we are currently reading.
What could be better than homemade scones and morning sunshine?
While the scones were cooling, Tati and I downloaded some cute bookplates as part of a birthday gift for her friend.
We downloaded the pdf for these fairy bookplates, by Valerie Greeley,
from her Etsy website ACORNMOON.
Are you curious to know what good book recommendations I came back with? My nine-year-old nephew, Peter, handed me two, as he gushed, "Aunt Wendy, you have got to read these and write about them on your blog!"
Two new friends...
I immediately started the first, Summer of the Monkeys, by Wilson Rawls. Tati informed me it's by the same author who wrote Where the Red Fern Grows.  Peter said that boys, especially, will love it.  The second one is A Tree For Peterby Kate Seredy, which - according to Peter - "might make you cry".  I'll report back about these two new friends as soon as I finish them.

Oh, and if you're wondering:
"Tatiana's Fresh Blueberry Scones with Lemony Glaze" were as good as they look! She adapted the recipe a bit:  she added an extra tablespoon of sugar to the dry ingredients, and lemon zest to the scone dough (instead of putting zest in the glaze).  She also substituted half & half for the "heavy cream" called for in the scone recipe above. [hint: if you can get Meyer lemons, they are a great compliment to the blueberries]


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my bookplates. It does seem strange to think that something I started here has ended up half way across the world by the power of the internet.

    I love the plate by the way, it looks edible!

  2. Valerie - I'm excited to try out some different types of paper stock for the bookplate, as you suggest in your email. The instructions you send with the pdf make this a really easy prpoject. Thank you, and the fairy is adorable!
