Saturday, January 28, 2012

Passing Along the Liebster LOVE

Thank you to the talented, Route 19 Writers, for honoring Good Books For Young Souls with the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD.  [Readers: I'm sure you're asking yourself what exactly that means.  Well, the Liebster Award originated in Germany.  The word “Liebster” is a term of endearment: “beloved” or, also, "favorite".  The idea behind the award is to bring attention to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to these wonderful blogs!]

So here we are!  I'd like to bestow the AWARD to five of my favorite/liebster blogs.  Keep writing!

1.  Kinder Days
2.  The Scrumptious Life
3.  Brian Sibley: His Blog
4.  Sewing by Stephanie
5.  Saints and Spinners

These are the rules in accepting the award:
-Add the award image to your blog.
-Thank the giver with a link back to them.
-List your top 5 picks and let them know they've been given an award by leaving a comment on their blog.
-Hope that your followers will spread the love to the blogs you've spotlighted.

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