Thursday, November 14, 2013

Advent Books and GIVEAWAY

Just like opening windows on an Advent Calendar, your children can open books each night during Advent until December 25.  So I start blogging about Christmas books in November to give you a head start in planning your Book Countdown to Christmas!

Your Advent Book Calendar can be as simple or as involved as you want to make it: you can line up the (wrapped or unwrapped) books across your fireplace mantle, stack them in a basket, or put them under your Christmas tree...

photo - Detailgalblog

GIVEAWAY: I like to choose a theme each year, and this Advent I'll be blogging about Children and Christmas.  The book I'm giving away today is by master storyteller Cynthia Rylant:  Silver Packages, An Appalachian Christmas Story. update: 11/16/13 - Giveaway over.  

With Thanksgiving coming up, I chose this story (based on actual events) because at its heart, it is about selfless giving and being thankful.

A rich man who wishes to repay a debt of kindness begins a tradition: an Appalachian "Christmas Train" that travels through the mountains each year in December.  The man faithfully returns to the coal town where he received help many years before, and tosses silver packages from the caboose to the local town children who wait by the tracks.  Frankie is one of those children.  Year after year, he hopes that one particular gift will be tossed to him.  It is this enduring hope that will guide him to the true meaning of the season.

Leave a comment here (or on my Facebook page) for a chance to win a hardcover copy of this beautifully illustrated book. 

Need help finding good books for your Advent book countdown? Look at my Favorite Christmas Books list.  You can easily supplement books you already have with library books (also try used bookstores).

Be sure to visit my Advent and Christmas Resource Page for more specifics how to make an Advent Calendar of Books.

Silver Packages Giveaway ends Friday at midnight; winner announced on Saturday, 11/16/13. update: Giveaway over (pssst:  I've got a second GIVEAWAY coming next week!)


  1. oooh, count me in! This book looks just beautiful! We did an Advent book calendar last year and it was lots of fun. I actually would go to the library and get a week's worth of books to change things up and we'd put them in a basket and she chose a book each night. I'd love to add to our Christmas book collection, this sounds so sweet!

  2. Oh, we checked this out from the library a couple of years ago! I love Cynthia Ryland. Our Advent calender is mixed between things and activities, but always includes books. :)

  3. My husband is from the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky and he actually remembers the Santa train. We would love to add this book to our family collection!

  4. This looks fantastic. I think we would love this book!

  5. Lovely book! We're doing a Jesse Tree this year, but I look forward to picking up lots of fun holiday books at our library. :)

  6. Looks like a wonderful book. Love your blog too! :)

  7. The Advent book idea is intriguing, I will have to check it out!

  8. Hi, Wendy. We love Cynthia Rylant, but I hadn't heard of "Silver Packages." Thanks for putting it on my radar. We'd be overjoyed to get a copy.

  9. Thanks for a chance to win! Looking for good and edifying books for my daughters. What a blessing! :) Keidi

  10. Your blog is beautiful. I love beautiful and inspiring books! We need more of them in this world, and to introduce children to good books!

  11. This is a new one we havent read! I enjoy reading your blog.

  12. I just want to reply to you all: "I HAVE THE BEST READERS!" and am so blessed by your feedback and kind words about my blog. Thank you!
    @Anne Lawson - how amazing that your husband remembers the train - that makes me so happy!!!!!! :)

  13. I've not heard of this book before. I love the illustrations on the pages you've posted. It looks great for my first grade classroom.

  14. The illustrations you shared are lovely. I would love to win and share this special book with my grandchildren. There will be especially interested since my brother just came home from the Appalachian Trail.

  15. Such a loly theme ... and lovely illustrations! Count me in! I'd love to be the lucky one :)
