Do you have a child who is interested in art? Or should I ask: do you want your child to be interested in art? The are quite a few good children's books out there that will help foster a love and appreciation for well-known artists and their famous paintings.
A Child's Book of Art: Great Pictures - First Words
, selections by Lucy Micklethwait
. You may have to look at the library for this out-of-print large format book. The selection of paintings is arranged by themes that even the youngest children can relate to: Pets, Animals on the Farm, Birds, Fruit, Colors, Shapes, Seasons, Faces, the Five Senses, A time to Play, A Time to Eat, and so on. From ancient to modern works, Micklethwait's selections feature children, actions scenes, and a vibrant palette. (ages 3 and up).
How Artists See... (series), by Colleen Carroll. This series focuses on an interactive, inquiry-based approach to art, as the author presents various artists' work, according to the theme of each book. Each volume presents 16 painting. The text is full of thought-provoking questions, as well as activities. Biographies of the artists presented are provided at the end of each book, as well as suggestions for further reading and an international list of museums where each artist's works can be found. (TITLES IN HOW ARTISTS SEE...FAMILIES: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother
; PLAY: Sports, Toys, Games, Imagination
; FEELINGS: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Love;
ANIMALS: Mammal, Fish, Bird Reptile; THE WEATHER: Sun, Wind, Snow, Rain;
HEROES: Myth, History, War, Everyday; CITIES: Streets, Buildings, Shops, Transportation
Linnea in Monet's Garden
Katie Meets the Impressionists
Discovering Great Artists: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters
Great American Artists for Kids: Hands-On Are Experiences in the Styles of Great American Masters
Storybook Art: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of 100 Great Picture Book Illustrators
Primary Art: It's the Process, Not the Product, by MaryAnn F. Kohl.
Preschool Art: It's the Process, Not the Product
First Art: Art Experiences for Toddlers and Twos
(Click here for MaryAnn's website, where you'll find her blog and several of her favorite links to other blogs about art projects for kids.)
Drawing with Children