Purpose of this Blog...

You may have noticed that not all books are equal in capturing children's imaginations and in cultivating those innocent, tender souls. My goal is to help you find the ones that do!
(Painting by Mary Cassatt: "Mrs Cassatt Reading to her Grandchildren" -1888)

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Christmas Carroll (as in Lewis), for the First Day of Christmas

In 1869 Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) began to write Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. This was published, with illustrations by John Tenniel, at Christmas 1871.  To my utter delight, my sweet daughter gifted me with a beautiful vintage edition of the book this year for Christmas.

The inner page holds a beautiful little Christmas poem, written by Lewis Carroll in 1867.  Thought I'd share it with you for this first day of Christmas!


  1. What a beautiful poem and gift.

    1. Isn't it?? I was so happy to discover this little poem! :)
