Purpose of this Blog...

You may have noticed that not all books are equal in capturing children's imaginations and in cultivating those innocent, tender souls. My goal is to help you find the ones that do!
(Painting by Mary Cassatt: "Mrs Cassatt Reading to her Grandchildren" -1888)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Little Porcupine's Christmas, illustrated by Felicia Bond

Little Porcupine's Christmas, from the illustrator of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie would be a fun addition to any kindergartner's library.  It's sweetly told by Joseph Slate about a prickly porcupine who is more than a little trepidatious about trying out for his school's Baby in the Manger play...
His mother believes in him (she calls him the "light of her life", after all.)  But unfortunately, his classmates convince him that he's just not right for any of the parts.
The countdown to the date of the play begins, and Little Porcupine still doesn't have a part or a costume.  The expected night arrives, and not until Little Porcupine raises the curtain do any of them realize that something crucial is missing!

The Mamas and Papas in the audience are the first to notice.  Will Little Porcupine be able to save the play?  He does, as he manifests the truth of his mother's words.  (hint: he really shines!) I absolutely love the ending, guaranteed to warm your heart!


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