I think Lauren Child's collage-style art is the perfect complement to Astrid Lindgren's offbeat story about every child's favorite 9-year-old Swedish heroine, PIPPI LONGSTOCKING. Take a look at some of her illustrations...
Pippi Longstocking
But I have to admit, when I first saw Lauren Child's depictions of Anne Shirley on the covers of Puffin's reissue of the Anne of Green Gables books I wasn't sure if the fit was as perfect. Child's style is so contemporary and Montgomery's books are so old-fashioned and classic! A couple of things made me reconsider my initial impression:
#1-This quote by Anne Shirley: "There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."
#2-This fact: did you know that Astrid Lindgren loosely modeled Pippi Longstocking after Anne Shirley?? After discovering this tidbit in a Rutger's article, I think it was genius that the same illustrator would draw both characters. And I can't honestly think of anyone better than Child - she really captured their spirits.
It's exciting to know that Lauren's book covers will draw a new generation of young reader's to Lucy Maude Montgomery's classic stories...don't you think so?
Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Avonlea
Anne of the Island